Why Do People Think Negative? - A Case Study of Man Looking On A Woman
Terms Definition
People are human beings living on this planet called earth. They have eyes, ears, mouth, hands, legs, brain to reason, mind to conceive thoughts and every other parts present in human.Thinking is the term use to describe the action of the mind - generating and regenerating of thoughts. Thoughts per se, are pictures of activities in the mind of an individual who imagine them.
Negative is a term explaining the unacceptable attitude of a person towards a situation, event, or other people.
The question still remain ringing in my mind - why do people think negative?
The Case Study - Man looking On A Woman
Almost everybody think that whenever a man looks on a woman, he has already lust after her. But is this really TRUE???Let talk about, "Look and Lust."
In Matthew 5:28 (KJV), says ... Look and Lust in his heart ... has sinned. That is, not just the LOOK alone but the LUST that generate the SIN.Let see another Scripture that talks about 'LOOK'. James 1:25, says any man who LOOKS into the perfect law of liberty and continues therein .... this man shall be blessed. Here, the 'LOOK' and the 'CONTINUE' IS tied to generate 'BLESSING' just as 'LOOK' is tied to 'LUST' to generate 'SIN' in Matthew 5:28.
The two variables must be in place for the end result to take an effect. The absence of one variable will not cause the end result to be in effect, think about this for a while.
The thoughts of man has always being of evil and not of good - Genesis 6:5. That is why God sent Jesus, the Christ to earth to save man from this condemnation and the wrath of God against ALL Unrighteousness of man. This same reason, I put up this sermon to save you from this condemnation that is coming upon the children of disobedience as it was in those days of Noah - Genesis 6:7. The worst is reserved for this present generation - 2 Peter 3:10, "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up."
Be saved today - 2 Corinthians 6:2, if you are touched by this sermon and want to repent to accept Christ, please contact me now.
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