Seven Abominations
Today's message from God and delivered by the Servant of the Most High God - Amos Goma (Evang.) is tittled, "The Seven Abominations Found Among Christians Today."An abomination is a taboo. Something that is horrific, terrible, ugly, offensive and not generally accepted by any people, a group, a community, state or country, even the entire universe and ultimately by God, Himself.
It is written, "Seven things the Lord hate and Seven things are abomination to Him..." Proverbs 6:16 -19. These seven (7) things are the things the larger part of the Christians population are doing daily - It has become one of their daily breads. The question I am asking is that, "do they know that God hates these things?" Probably, some may know, and some may not know.
The Abominations
However, what are the seven abominations? They are found in the book of Proverbs we read earlier, herein stated.1. A proud look,
2. A lying tongue,
3. Hands that shed innocent blood,
4. A heart that devises wicked imaginations,
5. feet that be swift in running to mischief,
6. A false witness that speaks lies in hypocrisy, and
7. He that sows discord among brethren (community, family, church members, etc).
Looking closely at these 7 things in comparison with what you see Christians doing in the world today, you will be convince of what the Spirit is saying through His servant.
Christians are becoming arrogant, lying all kind of lies, even providing false evidence to buttress their points, (lies). Many have directly and indirectly killed the innocents - the Bible says, if you are angry with your brother without a JUST cause, you are a murderer - Matthew 5:22. Your lie can and must have killed someone, either known to you or not.
Another thing that is included in the list, is, "the feet that runs to mischief." Literally, when we called someone, "Chief," it simply means we respect that person and that person is honourable, worthy of being associated with and so on. Implying that "Mischief" is the opposite - Despicable and Unholy conducts of a person. Many Christians today, move from one place to another; broadcasting lies, false accusations, rumours, backbiting, confusion, blaming others for their own mistakes, and such like - Romans 1: 25 - 32.
In doing all these things, they became false witnesses that speak lies in hypocrisy and sowers of discords among the people of God and even in the mist of the heathens - 1 Timothy 4:2, 1 Corithians 1;11.
The Reward for Practicing The Seven Abominations
1. Separation from God - Isaiah 59:1-3.2. Unanswered Prayers - Proverbs 15:8.
3. Defenseless against the Devil and his agents when they attack - Ephesians 6:11.
4. No hope of eternal life in Heaven or in the new earth - 2 Peter 3:13.
5. Finally, Death - Spiritual and Physical Death - Romans 1:32, Revelation 20:12-15.
The Reward for Turning Away from These 7 Abominations and The Act
The rewards are enormous. Read the following passages:Romans 8:1,2.
Matthew 5:1-12.
Psalm 1:1-6.
The list is endless my dear reader, friend, brother or sister. Try to do what God said and be Happy!
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God bless you as you do His will, in Jesus Christ name, Amen!
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