The Power of Prayer
1. Jesus expected that people would come to be slack in their prayers:A. Telling the parable of the persistent widow,
a. That humans would possibly usually pray - Luke 18:1-7
b. Questioning if he could locate religion on earth (i.e., humans praying) while he lower back - Luke 18:8
2. Paul regularly exhorted Christians to be diligent of their prayers:
A. "Praying usually with all prayer and supplication..." - Eph. 6:18
b. "Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving" - Col. 4:2
c. "Pray without ceasing” – 1Thess. 5:17
If we have become slack in our prayers, might that be an indication that we do not appreciate "The Power of Prayer"? Have we forgotten what a privilege it is to pray? Consider then, some examples
I. Examples of the Power of prayer
a. There is forgiveness from God:1. The Christian can find forgiveness via the blood of Christ - 1 John 1:7-10
2. Hence the erring Christian is told to repent and pray - Acts 8:22.
Do not you want the guarantee of knowing that your sins are forgiven?
B. There's peace from God:
1. The antidote to anxiety is to pray – Phil. 4:6
2. The Christian will locate their hearts and minds guarded by using the peace of God.
Do not you want the peace of thoughts and heart that surpasses understanding?
C. There's strength from God:
1. Paul prayed that the Ephesians might be strengthened in the internal man - Eph. 3:14-16,20
2. When we want to be sturdy, Christians can likewise pray for themselves!
Don't you need the energy, this is beyond our comprehension?
D. There is opportunity from God:
1. Paul realized that God provided him possibility to train others - 1 Cor. 3:5 (nasb)
2. He knew that the Lord often opened doors for such possibilities - 1 Cor 16:9; 2 Cor. 2:12
3. He therefore asked in prayer that such opportunities could maintain - Col. 4:3
Do not you want the Lord to give you possibility to lead others to Christ?
E. There may be boldness from God:
1. While the apostles wished boldness, they prayed and God brought it - Acts 4: 23-31
2. When Paul wished boldness, he asked for prayers in his behalf - Eph. 6:19-20
Do not you want boldness whilst you communicate to others about Christ?
F. There is wisdom from God:
1. Expertise isn't expertise, but insight that makes the high-quality use of the expertise one has.
2. The Christian is promised wisdom thru prayer surely - James 1:5-8
Do not you want the know-how that comes from above?
G. There's restoration from God:
1. Individuals that are unwell have to ask elders to pray for them - James 5: 14-15
2. Those who have sinned need to confess, and we must pray for one another - James 5:16
Do not you want the resource of God every time in need of bodily or non secular recovery?
H. There's tranquility from God...
1. The scriptures proclaim God has closing control over the countries - Dan 4: 17; Rom. 13: 1-7
2. Thus we're commanded to pray for our rulers, that we may additionally lead a quiet (tranquil, asv) and peaceable life – 1Tim. 2:1-4.
Don't you want to stay in peace and quietness and for others to as well?
1. The Power of prayer can indeed be a blessing:A. To the only who prays in faith
B. For those whom prayers are supplied
2. There is assistance in time of want from God:
A. We've got a brilliant excessive priest who is aware of our issues – Heb. 4:14-15
B. Thus we are able to at anytime approach God boldly in prayer, to acquire mercy and discover grace to assist in time of need – Heb. 4:16.
Don't you want mercy and grace whenever wished, for yourself and for others?
3. Indeed, the effective fervent prayer of a righteous man (cf. James 5:16):
A. "avails a lots" (nkjv)
b. "can Accomplish plenty (nasb)
c. "has brilliant strength" (esv)
d. "is strong and powerful" (niv)
When such is proper of one righteous man, how powerful are the prayers of many righteous men?
4. Will we trust in the Power of Prayer?
A. Then allow us to pray always
b. Allow us to continue earnestly in prayer
Certainly, let us "pray without ceasing" (1Thess. 5:17)!
The Power of prayer is given to them that seek it from God. So, be ready to and ask for it now.
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