Deliverance Through Faith - Get Delivered Now

Heroes of Faith Deliverance

Deliverance Through Faith in God

Deliverance: As we have said before in "deliverance through repentance," it means; "to rescue from danger, oppression, suffering and something tormenting."

Faith: the word, "Faith" is popularly defined as the substance of things hope for, the evidence of things not seen." I define Faith as: Believe + Positive Action = Faith. 

Bible said, 'faith without work is death.' It is true. If you have gone the university, studied hard and graduated with first class honour, will you just sit at home and wait for a job to come calling? I believe the answer is no. You can assumed the graduation to be the 'believe' and the search for the job as the 'positive action.' Altogether, make up the success liken to the faith we are talking about here. So, you an see that believe alone cannot be equated with faith. It is written that the devil believe God but tremble. Believe alone cannot deliver you. you need faith to be delivered.

Get Faith To Please  God and Get Deliverance Through Faith

In Hebrew 11:6, it said: "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that comes to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."

One cannot please God without faith. Since God is the One to deliver you, you must have faith. Just as it has been said in Hebrew:

1.  You must believe that God exist, (He is alive) 
2.  That he is the rewarder (deliverer) of them that seek him
3.  You must be diligent in doing all these.

Biblical Example of Deliverance through Faith: Daniel 3:8-30.

These three men; Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego have demonstrated what faith is all about and they were delivered by the God they firmly affirmed their faith in.

When the King, Nebuchadnezzar issued the order to bow down and worship the golden image he has erected, these men did not obey such idolatry act. Even when the king threatened to burn them live in a burning fiery furnace, they were not afraid but said unto the king, saying:

1.  "We have no need to answer you in this matter." Can you tell why?
2.  "Our God whom we served is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and
3.  He will deliver us from your hand, O king!" But,
4.  "If did not deliver us, we will not serve your gods nor will we worship the golden image, which you have set up." 

If you are the one threaten by the president of your country like this, will you yield to sin against God, the Almighty? Or will your anchor hold still in the storm of life? Will you allow your faith to let God deliver you from the fiery burning furnace that is trying to destroy you?

If you read the story in the stated Scriptures, you will understand that the fiery burning furnace has no power over the great men - heroes of faith. God delivered them. You see, Faith brings deliverance.

So, keep developing and building faith God through the Word of God. "So, then faith comes by hearing , and hearing by the word of God." Romans 10:17.
