The 7 Steps of Developing Your Vision
A Purpose Driven Life
The term, "Vision" has various definition ranging from visual perception through spiritual insight down to business planning.
Definition of Vision
In accordance with the purpose of this sermon, we will therefore define "vision" as the insight of the present circumstances and the foresight into the future to arrange oneself for potential opportunities and breakthroughs. Just think of a society without a vision - plans. What do you think will happen to that society or nation? Proverbs 29:18 say that where there is not vision, the people perish. It is very very right. There will be a disorderliness and chaotic atmosphere. And it will be uncomfortable for people to dwell. There are so many countries today that, some many people do not want to stay if given the opportunity to relocate to another country.
What About Your Life?
Do you have a plan? in this discussion, we assumed vision to be equal to plan. Because vision is done to achieve a target or set goals through systematic strategies. So, also is a plan. What is your vision? Have you developed it? Or has it been a forgotten history? These are many other questions you need to ask yourself this very moment as you are reading this piece of sermon from the man of God. "Beloved, I will that you may prosper and be in good health even as your soul prospers." 3 John 2. How can you prosper and be in good health if do not have a vision? You must have seen people drinking contaminated water and eaten poisoned foods, because that was what was available for them to nourish themselves. Do you believe that will earn them good health? What about those that live in a very hazardous environment? Many if not all of these situations are caused by failure to have a vision. As the Bible said, "where there is no vision, the people perish." I want you to take a bold step to initiate a vision and hereinafter, are the steps to guide you in developing your vision and in the next sermon on vision, we will be telling you, how you can protect your vision.
The Steps for Vision Development
1. The first of all is that, you have to discover your. Everyone has a God given vision. You have to discover it. I believe you will need to read more about vision by visiting our sermon on, "How to discover your vision?" There are various ways to discover your God given vision.
2. You will need to trust in the vision God has given to you. So, many people do not want to align themselves to God vision for them just because that is not what they are expecting to be or achieve in life. Success do not come from the north nor from the south but it comes from God. So, do not fail to yield yourself to God purpose for your life.
3. You will at this time write down your vision. I have discovered that so many people do not write down their plans. They build their casket in the air. After a while, they have forgotten what they have in mind to do and on how to do it. The saying goes, "if you fail to plan, you have planned to fail." So, Write down you vision and keep safe the resource.
4. You will also need to share you vision constantly and in various ways with people who are ready to share vision and help you to achieve it. Note that, not everybody is ready to share your vision. Some may become a stumbling block to your vision success. Be careful here, do not act foolishly less your vision is chattered.
5. You also need to review your vision from time to time to see whether it is achievable or not. You must know that a clear vision must be measurable.
6. You need to be aware of 'vision vanders.' They are vision terrorist who are always ready to sabotage your vision. I technically grouped into the following three, (3) groups, viz-a-viz:
1. Vampires: These are well intention people who are misinformed about you and your vision and are ready to suck out the life of your vision.
2. Vultures: These are those individual who always find something wrong in all you do. Beware of them. They easily eat out your vision.
3. Firemen: These are the last set of vision vanders. They are more subtle in their dealings with you. Avoid them with wisdom from God.
7. Lastly, you will have to use 'real life stories' to guide you in the development and protection of your vision.
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God bless you as you support us in the way God has given you to support us. Thanks.
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