Habitation Of The Soul - Heaven or Hell

Heaven or Hell

Heaven and Hadean Habitations

The question is frequently asked, “in which do I go after I die?” many trust if God is thrilled with them that they cross directly to heaven. Some consider they may go to purgatory (not observed within the bible) if they were depraved and from there both to hell or heaven relying on whether or not sufficient prayers and alms were offered on their behalf. A few consider they can die in an unsaved circumstance and nevertheless go to heaven if a person obeys the gospel for them. Some believe the wicked will go to hell for a period of punishment after which God will let them into heaven. This list could pass on and on for plenty, many pages. What need to be emphasized is that it does not count number what any person believes on these subjects. What does counted is what God says on any challenge, which includes this one.

 Lazarus and the Rich Man Habitation After Death

Luke 16 mentioned God’s revelation of what happens after death. The rich man lived a life of disobedience (unrighteousness) to God so that when he died he went to a place of torment (tartarus) at the same time as Lazarus went to the bosom of Abraham (paradise). These are both everlasting places of spiritual home until judgment day comes. Note, there may be a gulf which cannot be bridged regardless of what's accomplished here on the planet or inside the hadean realm. The rich guy became instructed by Abraham that he could not move over to paradise. Therefore, the idea of purgatory is a false doctrine. In brief, there is no 2nd chance of any type after death!

 Judgement Day Decides The Habitation

The bible speaks of the judgment day set through God and who can be there for eternity. The stimulated apostle Paul records in 2 Corinthians 5:10, for we have to all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that each one may also acquire the matters completed in his frame, in step with that he hath done, whether or not it be desirable or terrible. Where one will live perpetually (after the judgment) is based totally on how one lived in the world. On that Day of Judgment, God will welcome the righteous into heaven announcing, come, ye blessed of my father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the inspiration of the world (Matthew 25:34). To individuals who stay unrighteous lives even as walking this earth the Lord has a few very exceptional words, go away from me, ye cursed, into the eternal fire which is prepared for the satan and his angels (Matthew 25:forty one).


Wherein will one cross after he lives on this planet and dies? It all depends on how one has lived—righteously (to paradise and then heaven) or unrighteously (to tartarus and then hell).
